Sunday, December 9, 2007

Issues: You say terrorism; I say economy

Democrats and Republicans in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina have dramatically different views of the nation's priorities, according to a new McClatchy-MSNBC poll. The fact that the two parties' bases don't even agree on which issues matter most may help to explain why the people they send to Washington have such a hard time agreeing on anything.

While pollsters didn't offer each side all the same choices, Democrats and Republicans in all three states differed widely when asked about the same issues. Voters were asked to identify which issue they felt was the most important.

Some of the disparities:


In Iowa, it's last on the Democrats' list, cited by just 1 percent, and first on the Republican list, mentioned by 31 percent.

In New Hampshire, it's the top priority for 2 percent of Democrats and 25 percent of Republicans.

In South Carolina, it's tops for 6 percent of Democrats but 25 percent of Republicans.


In Iowa, 24 percent of Democrats call it the biggest issue facing the country, but only 7 percent of Republicans do.

In New Hampshire, it's number one for 35 percent of Democrats and 7 percent of Republicans.

In South Carolina, it's the first priority for 19 percent of Democrats and 6 percent of Republicans.


In Iowa, 28 percent of Democrats but just 8 percent of Republicans call it the top issue.

In New Hampshire, it's the top priority for 18 percent of Democrats, but also for 17 percent of Republicans.

In South Carolina, it's the top issue for 24 percent of Democrats and 15 percent of Republicans.

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